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Unlike other timeline creating websites, Histropedia has a database of ready to use events. These events are all sourced from Wikipedia Articles. The database currently contains over 1.5 million events, roughly a quarter of all the articles in the English version of Wikipedia.

Yes, an event can be created from any Wikipedia article that has not been automatically imported into our database. The method for adding events is extremely simple and once created the event will be available for everyone using Histropedia.

Note:The current version of Histropedia only allows one event per Wikipedia article, however soon you will be able to create custom events that link to a section of any Wikipedia article or to any Wikidata item.

Yes, every event in our database can be edited to help fix mistakes made when the events were imported from Wikipedia, or when someone manually created a new event.

Through the reading window, every event is connected to a variety of different sources for related content including, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia and other related media.


Histropedia has over 300,000 timelines that have been imported from Wikipedia categories. You can search for timeline straight from the search box on the site. Timelines from the directory can be merged to create custom timelines.

Learn more about the timeline directory

The timeline directory is still a work in progress and there are some timelines that will need some work before they are complete. The next version of the directory will be user editable to allow the timelines to be improved. Another reason timelines may appear incomplete is because there are too many events with the same date. This normally only happens on timelines where the events do have precise dates yet, the events are not visible until you zoom all the way in or change event spacing to manual. This can be solved be editing the events and improving the date(s)

Yes, you can find the HTML code to embed any timeline by clicking on the share button. The embedded version is read-only and has a more minimal design to maximise the available space.

Learn more about embedding timelines

We are currently on the first version of the timeline directory and the timelines are not publicly editable, however we are already working on the next version which will allow and user to improve existing timelines or add new timelines to the directory. In the meantime if you have made improvements to a directory timeline, or have created a timeline you think should be included in the directory, please send us a link and we will update or add the new timeline.

If you would like to save your own timeline, or a modified version of a directory timeline you will need to create a Histropedia account. You can then save your timeline from the save menu. If you are working on one of your saved timelines, you have the option to save a new copy or save changes to the existing timeline.

Learn more about saving timelines

To share any timeline from the directory simply open the timeline and click share. If you would to share your own custom timeline, including any changes you may have made to a directory timeline, you will first need to save the timeline. If you don't save, any changes you have made will not be shared.


Every time you improve or add a new event to Histropedia you are improving the site for all users. There are still lots of events in the database that only have the dates precise to the year, this reduces the usefulness of many timelines.

Get involved in some of our editing projects.

Any timelines shared on Histropedia are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA) which permits anyone to adapt and/or re-share the timeline, as long as it is published under the same or compatible license.

No, Histropedia never shares any user data with anyone. We only ever use email addresses to identify user accounts, send important notifications and invite users to join the Histropedia Community.

If you have any other questions, you can contact us here