Histropedia-I Mailing List

The Histropedia-I mailing list is a google group designed to work primarily as a mailing list forum. This means you will receive all discussions and replies to your inbox. You can join in any discussion by replying to the emails you receive and you can start new discussions by emailing the group.

To start a new discussion send a new email to


When a new topic is started or a reply is posted you will receive an email from


You can join in any discussion by replying to the email.

All emails sent to the groups email address (histropedia-i@googlegroups.com) will be sent to the entire mailing list.

All the emails sent via the mailing list are also publicly visible on the group home page and if you are using a Google account you can also post via the web.

Only your display name (and the contents of the emails) are visible on the web, your email address is not visible.

You can view the group here


You can post ANYTHING related to Histropedia to the mailing list, whether it is requests for help in editing projects, ideas for new features and other feedback, suggestions for improvements to the editing guidelines or any questions you have about Histropedia.

We will also be posting regular updates on what’s happening with Histropedia, invites for anyone who want to help test beta features and requests for help on editing projects. We will also try and keep you up to date on any interesting Wikidata developments that we feel are important to Histropedia.


If you have already signed up to the Histropedia community you should have already received an email inviting you to the mailing list (it might be in a spam or other folder). If you have not received an invite email please contact us and we will look into it.

If you have signed up to Histropedia, but not joined the community you can follow this link to sign up to the community (this will add you to the mailing list).

Follow this link to join the community

If you don’t have a Histropedia account yet you can sign up for free, you will be given the option to join the community when you create your account.

Follow this link to sign up for Histropedia